This project only exists because of the generosity of the American Library Association. Specifically, this project is the product of a Carnegie-Whitney Grant, which provides funds for librarians and educators to research and compile bibliographic resources to fill important research gaps and help the public connect with books, films, and other media on specific topics. Thank you to ALA for this grant and especially to Mary Jo Bolduc for facilitating the process.

I would not have been able to complete this without the support, encouragement, and collegiality of my colleagues at the UW-Bothell/Cascadia College Campus Library. They covered desk shifts while I was off researching and viewing films, they supported and encouraged my work (all of them did, but Penelope Wood especially went above and beyond), they vouched for me (thank you Leslie Hurst) and they tolerated my levels of stress. Also, thank you to former colleagues at my previous institution did much of the same (especially Carolyn Schubert).

Thank you also to the many friends and family who held me up and encouraged me when it became clear just how wildly large in scale this project was becoming. Brian Hardison, I quite literally could not have done this without your patience and support. Jeremy Breneman for nerding out about film with me. Nancy Pearl for quite literally teaching me how to write annotations. Matthew Taylor for modeling how to persevere through ambitious writing projects. Yasmeen Shorish and James Robinson - your work inspires me far more than I tell you. Andrew, Jaclyn, Kira, and Patrick - you’ve kept me sane. Mom and Dad, Brother and Sister, Uncle Bob - if I didn’t inherit your work ethic, this project would never have come even close to finished.